False Start Posts should be installed 15 metres from each end of the pool and a False Start Rope should be 1.2 metres above the water. The posts slide into post sockets that are core drilled and glued into the concourse / coping.


Twist Lock
An eyelet is attached to the post allowing the False Start Rope to be tied or clipped to the post. When inserting the post you will need to twist the post until it locks into position. The twist lock requires the use AQ-PS01/TL Post Sockets for 38mm or other diameters available.

Fina Rules: 
FR 2.11 False Start Rope may be suspended across the pool not less than 1.2 metres above the water level from fixed standards placed 15.0 metres in front of the starting end. It shall be attached to the standards by a quick release mechanism. The rope must effectively cover all lanes when activated.
(As at November 2017)

Material: 316 Stainless Steel
Finish: Mirror Polished
Tube Diameters: 38mmø, 44mmø and 50mmø
Length to eyelet: 1200mm or 1500mm Other lengths available on request.

If AQ-FSP/TL01 thru to AQ-FSP/TL06 is not in stock allow 1 weeks for delivery.

Posts and Sockets sold separately.

Additional information


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